Knižný sprievodca po Slovensku v angličtine má tú istú štruktúru ako vydanie v slovenčine. Viaceré texty sú však prepísané tak, aby im rozumeli aj ľudia zo zahraničia - vysvetľujeme napríklad, čo sú bryndzové halušky, kto bol Ľudovít Štúr či Mária Terézia. Opis bedekra Slovakia uvádzame nižšie v anglickom jazyku.
With the majestic High Tatras and their gleaming mountain lakes up north, a network of wild caves to the east, and the ever-changing capital of Bratislava, referred to as “a vivacious young professional jet-setting around Europe” by travel writer Rick Steves, to the west, Slovakia is a truly spectacular country. Our team of travel-obsessed writers has a deep love for the heart of Europe, and with this handy, pocket-sized guide, you’ll soon see why.
Included in this essential tool for travelers are:
- top Slovak sights and detailed info on more than 450 tourist spots
- 3D aerial drawings and more than 1,000 photos
- 32 travel feature stories
- topics such as castles, caves, tourism, animal watching, luxury holidays and how to save
- including chapters about family and tips for kids, as well as chapter unexpected with places which can surprise
- 17 maps of city centres and major mountains
- a suggested seven-day itinerary
- a calendar of events
- a selection of top hotels and restaurants
- a pull-out map of Slovakia
Let this guide be your helping hand in the heart of Europe, where medieval cities tout their tales of ruthless royals and tortured lovers. Join us as we sip on the “wine of kings”, gobble up the country’s fiercely-protected delicacies, climb up the slightly treacherous and undeniably exhilarating trails in Slovensky raj (Slovak Paradise) and discover why we can’t help but say, welcome to Spectacular Slovakia!
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